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How “Middle-Aged” Are You?

OK….I saw this little quiz recently and thought I’d share it with ya……

Pretty simple…..You go through these 15 questions, and see how many of them you can relate to. You score one point for each statement that you can relate to………

1-5: You’re still a “puppy”…..just wait! Won’t be long!

6-10: You’re getting there! The other side of the hill is inevitable!

11-15: As Kansas would say, you’re past the “Point of Know Return” haha! (And just for the record, I scored an “11”)

1.  You can’t sleep past 9:00 a.m.

2.  You can’t start a movie past 9:00 p.m.

3.  You call your children for tech support.

4.  You used to fix typos with Wite-Out.

5.  You’ve called a 30-year-old a “kid”.

6.  You swap ailment stories with your friends.

7.  You’re on Facebook, but not Grindr.

8.  You write appointments on a paper calendar.

9.  You’re not quite sure how you got that bruise.

10.  You gain weight just by being near food.

11.  You go into the bank to make a deposit.   

12.  You’ve taken a keen interest in bunions and corns.

13.  You’ve dialed a rotary phone.

14.  You still have a landline.

15.  You can’t find your glasses . . . that are sitting on top of your head.