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Runner Banned For Smacking Georgia Reporter On The Butt During Live TV!

A participant in the annual Savannah Bridge Run race in Georgia over the weekend is now famous, not for finishing the race in record time, but for smacking a TV reporter on the butt during a live report. The video below went viral, being seen nearly 10,000,000 times. He\’s been banned from all future races and could possibly face assault charges. Not cool dude. You weren\’t the in the locker room with your buddies horsing around. And what\’s surprising is that some on social media are saying the reporter shouldn\’t have made such a fuss over the incident. Seriously?! Okay, try this the next time you\’re in line at the grocery store or after a concert as you\’re leaving. Would you want some random stranger smacking your butt? Or your wife or girlfriend\’s butt? Or your daughter or grand daughter?

 (source Alex Bozarjian via Twitter)