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Check Out These Dogs Picking Out Their Christmas Gifts!

Everyone loves Christmas! (Well, except that Grinch character……but even he warmed up eventually!)

And when I say everyone, I mean everyone! Every member of the family…….including the four-legged members of your household. My dog, Coco, would have a present wrapped under the tree every year…..and she knew exactly which present was hers……and she always had to open her present first.

So, yeah……dogs get pretty excited about presents and gifts too! And if you don’t believe me, check out the video below……All I could find out about the video is that it’s from a dog rescue in Ireland and it’s literally just a video of all their dogs, who are adoptable, going into a room and picking out their own Christmas gifts. 

Tell me they’re not excited!!! (VIDEO: YouTube/Watchetifuters)