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9/11 Memorial Parade Float In Valparaiso, Indiana Draws Sharp Criticism

Too realistic. A 9/11 parade float that was in the Popcorn Festival this past weekend has received a lot of attention…and not in a good way. The Valparaiso Republicans created the float to commemorate the 20th anniversary of those who lost their lives from the horrific attacks on our country. As you’ll see in the news video below from WTHR, the float contained two towers that had holes in them, where the planes struck, along with smoke that was coming out of them. Those painful images are etched in my mind, as they are in millions of others who watched it unfold right in front of us on the news September 11, 2001. I don’t need to see it on a parade float to be reminded of what took place that day. Yes, it’s very accurate, but that’s not the point. If they wanted to create something to remember those who lost their lives on 9/11, why not display photos of the victims with their names on the float? Let us never forget them, not what the terrorists did that day~

(source WTHR)