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Purple Pumpkins Are For Safe Trick-Or-Treating

By @emilyontheradio

This Halloween you and the little ones may see purple pumpkins out by front doors. The reason behind that is similar to the teal pumpkin initiative that happened last year — teal pumpkins signified an allergy-safe stop that didn’t include food items like candy. Think knick-knacks and pencils. This year, if you see a purple pumpkin that means that (1) you are open to trick-or-treaters at your door and (2) masks will be worn and social distancing will be maintained.

Taste of Home suggests painting a pumpkin purple, displaying a picture of a purple pumpkin, or simply drawing one on your window. Or perhaps you pick up one of these bad boys:

If you’re not up to trick-or-treating out in the open, you could always do something like a spooky Easter egg hunt in your house.
