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Why Adam Sandler Says He Was Fired From “SNL” 24 Years Ago!

Can you imagine being the bone head who fired Adam Sandler from \”Saturday Night Live\” 24 years ago!
Recently Sandler said getting axed from a show he spent five years on with his good buddy Chris Farley in the early 90\’s hurt/but it was probably one of the best things that ever happened to him because he would have never left on his own.

The Murder Mystery star and producer says he doesn\’t blame show runner Lorne Michaels he said quote \” It was the head dude at NBC\’S decision.  He didn\’t  like our gang..me and Farley\”
​Find out who Sandler credits his huge movie career to and what he would say TODAY to the NBC Executive who canned him over two decades ago :  https://toofab.com/2019/12/04/adam-sandler-gives-more-details-about-his-snl-firing-he-didnt-like-farley-and-me/