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Impress Your Friends With Your “Fake” Vacation!

(photo:  commons.wikimedia.org/Wikirictor at English Wikipedia [CC BY-SA 3.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0)])

Tired of looking at your friends and family\’s photos of their great vacations?  You know the ones, where they\’re laughing and having a blast on their Caribbean cruise….or maybe their family trip to Disneyland…..and there\’s always that getaway to Paris and the Eiffel Tower.

Well, now you can \”dazzle\” them with your awesome vacation shots, and you don\’t even have to leave the house!  haha!  A company will now photo-shop your likeness into a photo of anywhere in the world!  The Great Wall of China…..The Grand Canyon…..The North Shore in Hawaii……Anywhere!

Just check out this article in the NEW YORK POST for more….