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Mellencamp & Meg Ryan Are Engaged! But Will They Actually Do It?



Looks like John has asked Meg for her hand in marriage. And I\’m a little surprised she said \’yes\’. I mean Mellencamp admitted in an interview that she \”hates me to death\”. So why the change of heart now? Face it, they\’re both older and are set in their ways. John\’s not gonna give up smoking or being \”a child, throwing fits\”, again he freely admitted being that way. And where will they live? Meg is a city girl…John is a Midwestern boy. Someone call Hollywood…here\’s their next reality show~

  (source CBS4 Indy.  Featured Image By Sharononthemove [CC BY-SA 4.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0)], from Wikimedia Commons)