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A Michigan Town Has Banned Clown Costumes This Halloween!



Kids and adults in Oak Park, Michigan can have fun during an annual Halloween event, just as long as they don\’t show up in a clown costume. City officials say clowns are too scary. They also site news stories over the last few years of clown sightings that were freaking people out. They went on to say that their Boo Bash event is \”centered around young children\”. So kids aren\’t gonna be scared of say a really creepy werewolf mask, or bloody zombie outfit? (rolling my eyes) I get it, coulrophobia is real (the phobia of clowns), but does that mean NO ONE can dress up as a clown for Halloween? If anything, let Halloween help you or your kids overcome their fears~

  (source KSAT12 and KSAT.com via Facebook)

(Featured image By Graeme Maclean (originally posted to Flickr as bad clown) [CC BY 2.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0)], via Wikimedia Commons)