Mariah Carey’s “All I Want For Christmas Is You” Stuck In Your Head? You Need The “Earworm Eraser”!

Earworms. We all get ’em! You know, those songs that we JUST CAN’T GET OUT OF OUR HEAD! You just keep hearing the song over, and over, and over again!

Well, now there’s help! The “Earworm Eraser”! It’s a 40-second audio track and listening to it can supposedly get songs “UNSTUCK” from your head.

It’s constantly changing tempos, time signatures, and musical styles, so it won’t just become ANOTHER earworm to replace the one you’re trying to get rid of.

Read more about the Earworm Eraser by CLICKING HERE/NPR.ORG and check it out below………..See if it works!

(VIDEO: YouTube/Atlasssian)