The Larry Bird Museum Is Now Open And Well Worth The Road Trip!

If you ask my 8-year-old son who the best basketball player of all time is, without hesitation, he’ll say, “LARRY BIRD!”. And I 100% agree. The man was born with a sixth sense of playing hoops that was magical. The Indiana native is now being honored with a museum showcasing his career. It’s located inside the Convention Center in Terra Haute, Bird’s birthplace. This week, my son and I made the trip to check it out and were quite impressed. Lots of memorabilia from ‘Larry Legend’s career including jerseys, championship rings, trophies and some incredible photos. Plus, they have several interactive exhibits from shooting three pointers to seeing how fast you are at passing a basketball. We had a lot of fun and definitely recommend it. Admission is free, but you do need to make a reservation online, here:

WTHR was there for the grand opening last week: