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Here’s How To Call In Sick On The Monday After St. Patrick’s Day…

We all know that St. Patrick’s Day falls on a Sunday this year. That’s just swell! One of the biggest drinking days of the year on a “school night”!

Well, I’m here to help ya out……With a fool-proof plan to call-in “sick” the following Monday, March 18th, when you and I both know: You’re not sick…..You’re hung-over! (And these tips will work for just about any Monday that falls after a holiday)

Anyway, here’s 4 tips to remember when you make that call…..

1.  Keep it brief.  Less is more here . . . tell your boss as little as possible without sounding evasive.  Giving a bunch of useless details isn’t really necessary, and the more specifics you add, the more suspicious it’s going to sound.

2.  Acknowledge the obvious…..acknowledge the bad timing.  Your boss knows it’s a Monday, and he knows it’s the day after St. Patrick’s Day, so NOT mentioning it would be suspicious.  And unless you spent all week bragging about how wasted you’re going to get this weekend, you should be fine.

3.  Only tell people who need to know.  Follow your company’s policy, but generally you should only need to tell your boss and any coworkers who might be affected by your absence.

4.  Offer to do makeup work.  You might get stuck doing it, you might not.  But it’ll make you look better in the end.

There you have it! Hope it helps! (And hope you’re feeling better soon…….Try a little “hair of the dog”!)