Top 5 Questions To Ask Yourself Before Getting Your Boyfriend’s Name Tattooed On Your Forehead!

Rule #1 when getting a tattoo: Never get the name of your significant other. Why? Because tattoos are forever, your significant other might not be!

So, did you hear about the gal who got her boyfriend’s name tattooed across her forehead? If not, just CLICK HERE/NYPOST.COM and check out the story…….

But it leads into a very important Top 5 topic: The Top 5 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Getting Your Boyfriend’s Name Tattooed On Your Forehead!

1- If he dumps me, will I be able to find another boyfriend named “Kevin”?

2- Should I wait to do this until I’m sober?

3- Am I ready to be unemployed for the rest of my life?

4- Do I hate my parents this much?

5- Should I tattoo his last name across the back of my neck?

And really, the top question should be “Why”?