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A Very Scary ‘IT’ Themed Escape Room Has Opened In Vegas!

If you’re terrified of clowns, like say, Pennywise from the Stephen King book/movie, ‘IT’, you’ll want to steer clear of a new escape room in Vegas. ‘Escape IT’ is now open, in a 30,000 square foot nightmare facility. There are 20 interactive areas, special effects, live clowns. It’s being described as an “intense escape experience”. I’ve tried a couple of escape rooms and this one is absolutely on my list! I love the movie and the fact that the creators of the ‘IT’ themed escape room puts fans inside the movie! You’re in a sewer and face to face with clowns, all while trying to escape. For more info, click here: https://escapeit.com/

(source FOX5 LasVegas via YouTube)

For those that aren’t familiar with the creepiness of Pennywise, here’s the opening scene from ‘IT’ when Georgie first met Pennywise…

(source Rotten Tomatoes Trailers/ Warner Bros. Pictures)