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Silence Of The Lambs Fans Can Now Stay The Night At ‘Buffalo Bill’s House’!

I’d imagine the world famous Buffalo Bill House from ‘Silence Of The Lambs’ is pretty busy this time of year. With Halloween next week, we were talking about iconic horror and thriller films that would be fun to tour and stay at. Of course this house instantly came to mind! We look back on our interview with Chris Rowan, the man who had the vision to buy the home and turn it into one of the creepiest destinations for horror movie fans!

(UPDATED 9/03/21)  ‘Silence Of The Lambs’ celebrates it’s 30th anniversary this year, and fans now have the rare chance to actually stay the night at the Buffalo Bill house! YES, the house where Catherine was kept in the well with Precious! I talked with the new owner of this famous house, Chris Rowan, who shared his idea behind recently purchasing it. He’s an art director and prop specialist by day, and now he’s putting his Hollywood expertise to use in creating a one of a kind experience for horror fans. ‘Buffalo Bill’s House’ is located in Pennsylvania, about 30 miles outside of Pittsburgh. Chris has big plans to also use Bill’s House for possible movie and television shoots, events and you could even get married there! Picture it, you and your new spouse, posing beside the well! Which as you’ll hear in my interview, Chris plans to recreate that nightmare of a well where poor Catherine was held captive in the basement of the home! And since he’s a prop specialist, you know it’s gonna ROCK!

To book your stay at the famous Buffalo Bill’s House, visit their website, here:
