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Does Your Favorite Color Tells Us A Lot About Your Favorite Rock Bands?

It appears your favorite color tells us a lot about you as a person…….I mean, I’ve heard your favorite color tells us whether you’re an introvert or an extrovert……I’ve heard your favorite color tells us what movie genre you prefer…..and now, your favorite color tells us about your favorite types of music or bands.

Just a couple of examples: If you dig the color “black”….well, you like bands like Black Sabbath……If your a fan of “white”, you prefer bands like Fleetwood Mac, The Police, and Pink Floyd. (Wait, shouldn’t that last one be for fans of the color “pink”……haha!)

CLICK HERE/LOUDWIRE.COM to see what bands are associated with the colors orange, yellow, purple, red, green, and more!

Is it accurate?