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Why Did This Woman Go Into Ice Cream Shop In Just Her Underwear? (Well, She Had To Use Her Dress As A Facemask! Yeah, No Kidding!)

Apparently, this gal wanted an ice cream sandwich! She wanted a buster bar! She had to have that hot fudge sundae!

Problem is: She didn’t have a facemask, and the rule was “No Shoes, No Shirt, No Facemask…..No Service”.

So, what did she do? Well, she decided to take off her dress and try to convert that into a facemask. And only one problem…..she wasn’t wearing anything underneath except her underwear!

Think I make this stuff up? I don’t! Check out the video below to see if her plan worked……..

(VIDEO: YouTube/Red Cache World) (And also see if you think Ole Dad almost gets slapped! Haha!)