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Yahoo Paying Up To $358 Per Person In Data Breach Settlement


Have a Yahoo account? Then there might be some money in your not-so-distant future.

Back in 2013 Yahoo was hacked, but they didn’t share the news with users until 2016 according to USA Today. This year they’ve finally reached a settlement agreement—$117.5 million—to pay out to the three billion users impacted.

So, if you were a user of their platforms between 2013 and 2016, you can submit a claim at www.yahoodatabreachsettlement.com. You can either get credit monitoring or, if you can prove you already have monitoring, money.

There’s no way to know how much each user will get. It could be under $100 but it might be up to $358. And it’s not just for people with a Yahoo email. It also covers Fantasy, Finance, Tumblr and Flickr accounts.