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Vote For Noblesville Teacher Jason Seaman To Win A Cruise Getaway!

(photo source: Piergiuliano Chesi [CC BY 3.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0)]

Here\’s to hoping that Noblesville teacher, Jason Seaman will be relaxing on a Norwegian Cruise ship very soon! He\’s been nominated for a nationwide contest ahead of National Teacher Appreciation Week in May. YOU can vote for Jason! Click on the story below and you\’ll find the link towards the end of the story. If you don\’t remember, Jason is the hero who saved lives on May 25th, 2018 when a student shot Jason and a student. Thankfully Jason tackled the shooter before he could do further damage. Yep, he\’s got my vote.

 (source WTHR.com via Facebook)