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Did Greg Browning Capture A Ghost On Camera? See For Yourself Here!




A recent survey found 60% of Americans say they believe they\’ve seen a ghost in their lifetime. The photo below was taken while my wife was in St. Louis visiting a family member in the hospital. It was not doctored in any way. When she sent it to me, I asked her about the green glowing image in the lake behind her. Well later when she was checking out of her hotel, she struck up a conversation with the desk clerk and told her about the photo. The clerk smiled and said they\’ve had many guests tell them they\’ve seen an image of a woman wading out into that lake. My wife asked if there was some kind of ghost folklore surrounding the image, and the clerk said she had heard tales of a guest, years ago, who had gone missing. So was this that ghost? Check out the photos below…

Here\’s a closer look…