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Go Trick-Or-Treating In This U.S. Town Over Age 12…You Might Go To Jail?!



 How old is \”too old\” for kids to go trick-or-treating? For kids over 12 in one Virginia community, the treats may be tempting, but if caught going door to door on October 31st, they could go to JAIL! This is beyond stupid. If you come to my door on Halloween and you\’re dressed in a costume, I\’ll gladly give you candy. And I don\’t care how old you are! But show up with your face painted and no other effort, I\’ll sending you packing~

  (source CBS News via Facebook)

(Featured image from By Ryo Fukasawa (originally posted to Flickr as Trick or Treat?) [CC BY 2.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0)], via Wikimedia Commons)