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Indiana State Trooper Busts Woman For Driving Too…Slow?!



It\’s called \’the hammer lane\’ for a reason. Not for poking around. Not for daydreaming. And we\’d like to nominate Sgt. Stephen Wheeles for Trooper Of The Year! He recently cited a driver for going too slow on I-65! We\’ve all been stuck behind a long line of traffic because some clown wasn\’t paying attention to the rules of the road. Left lane is for passing. But some say you are within the law if you\’re driving 15 miles under the speed limit. Is that true? Not if there are other vehicles behind you. Now you are creating a hazardous situation by not staying clear of those who wish to do the speed limit. Here\’s the tweet that Sgt. Wheeles posted and went viral, gaining applause across the country!

(source and Featured Image from Sgt Stephen Wheeles\’ Twitter page)