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Cast Of The Sandlot Had Reunion At Game! See What They Look Like Now!

Remember the movie, \”The Sandlot\”?  The story of a group of neighborhood kids, who love baseball, and the various adventures and mishaps they experience while growing up.  

Scottie Smalls moves to this neighborhood, and he manages to make friends with a group of kids who play baseball at the sandlot.  The boys run into trouble when Smalls borrows a ball from his stepdad that gets hit over a fence.  (That baseball was autographed by Babe Ruth!)  And the backyard is protected by a huge, monstrous dog….which actually turns out….er, well, I better stop….don\’t wanna \”spoil it\” for ya….But, if you haven\’t seen the movie, it\’s worth a look.  Lotta fun!

And this crew got together for a reunion recently, CLICK HERE and HERE to see what they look like now…..

(photo:  commons.wikimedia.org) (By gnokii at openclipart.org (OpenClipart) [CC0], via Wikimedia Commons)

(Info:  USA Today and Sports Illustrated/links)