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Today Is National Dog Day!

oscar in bed

Today we celebrate man’s best friend! August 26th is National Dog Day, a great time to remember how much we love our four legged friends. If you’re like me, my dogs aren’t “pets”, they’re family. Heck, I enjoy spending time with THEM more than just about anyone else. That’s Oscar in the photo above, and as you can see, he quickly outgrew his puppy bed, but refuses to give up laying in it. He’s part whippet and pit bull. Sweetest dog I’ve ever known!

gunther with doll baby

Here’s my wife Jenni’s puggle Gunther. He acts like a tough guy, bossing his younger brother Oscar around, but as you can see, he only naps with his baby doll, Red.

oscar pup

Dog lovers, check out this site to see everything from Hero Dogs, Adopting Dogs Info, Best Dog Products & Services and more:
