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Car Radio Singers! Which One Are You?

We all do it!  We all sing along to the radio!  Usually, it’s during the commute to or from work, but we all get lost in our own little world and before you know it…..We’re headlining Madison Square Garden in 1977 and singing “Satisfaction” with The Rolling Stones.  It’s a beautiful thing….(just keep it between the white lines)

And what type of car radio singer are ya?  Are you an “eye-closer”?  How about a “cat killer”?  Maybe an “interpretive dancer” or “weird Al”?

Not sure of which category you fit in?  Well, go ahead and check out the video below from comedian Chad Neidt and decide…..who knows?  You might be extremely talented and fit into two or more categories!!!

(Source:  YouTube/Chad Neidt)