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Airline Offers Free Flights To Passengers Due To Crying Babies

crying baby

If you fly the ‘friendly skies’ much, you’ve probably experienced a few flights that were filled with a crying baby. Not exactly relaxing or soothing to the nerves. On a recent Jetblue flight from New York to Long Beach, California, flight attendants told passengers that whenever a baby cried, they would get 25% off a future flight. Not bad!…especially since FOUR babies cried, adding up to 100% off a future round trip for each Jetblue customer. Being a new dad, I can totally relate to the sounds of a crying baby. At first when my son Reed would start crying, and I’m talking CRYING, I would get a little rattled and want to do ANYTHING to calm him down! But now after three weeks of hearing his outbursts when he’s hungry or needs his diaper changed, I’ve become conditioned to it. Hearing a baby cry in your home is much, much different than hearing them screaming on a flight. I’d say at least 25% of airline passengers or even more, experience anxiety while flying, so hearing a baby cry only ramps things up. Smart move on Jetblues part, as they gave the deep discount to encourage mothers and honor them with the upcoming Mother’s Day~