Searching For Your “Soulmate”? Write A Check For $1 Million Dollars And It Just Might Happen!

Your New Year’s resolution was to find “the one”! Your soulmate! And it hasn’t happened yet, and now Valentine’s Day is right around the corner!

Well, Three Day Rule can help. The L.A. based matchmaking site just launched a service that promises to find you “the one”……all you have to do is write a check for $1 million dollars!

It’s a 12-month program, and the price tag covers the salaries of three people.  Here’s what you get for $1 million:

1.  A dedicated recruiter.  They’ll fly all around the country to visit bars, gyms, concerts, and other spots to find you your perfect match.  You get unlimited matches with full background checks.

2.  A matchmaker.  They’ll help make sure you’re paired with the right people, and also plan out your dates in “minute detail.”  You do none of the legwork.

3.  A dating coach.  They’ll work with you and your dates on things like clothes, hair, and dating etiquette.

4.  If you get engaged less than six months after the program ends, they toss in a three-karat engagement ring.

I guess more than 100 people have signed up for the service, and if you’re interested just CLICK HERE/SFGATE.COM…..